studiotwenty7 monthly challenge

Are you up for a challenge? 

At studiotwenty7 we love a challenge, especially one that gets our creative juices juicing :D We recently got the team to recreate their names in the style of something created or launched the year of their birth. And as we have a wide range of ages we got an array of awesome images; from Hello Kitty to Back to the Future. 

Take a trip in our creative time machine and awaken the nostalgia of pop culture throughout the decades. 


loquet bespoke jewellery stands

We had the pleasure of working with the amazing bespoke jewellery makers Loquet. Helping to create these beautiful gradient effect jewellery stands. We achieved this very effective look using pantone referenced colour gradients which were printed onto clear vinyl with white ink base layer and applied to one side of clear acrylic blocks.

I think you'll agree the end result is elegant and mesmerising! 


dame timeline

The very clever people over at DAME got in touch with us to create a bespoke timeline depicting their story as an intricate vinyl decal. We helped get the artwork into the correct file format ready for cutting in vinyl.

The DAME team sent us their pantone matched painted wooden panels to apply the intricate graphic to.

Amazing story and cool graphics to boot! Ta da!


blast from christmas past

Check out Margaret Howell’s Christmas window from last year.
Working with the amazing Studio Small to create these snowy wonderland cityscapes, we print and installed the backdrops and vinyl decals on the windows and back walls of their 3 London stores.

Margaret Howell’s Christmas window