
Max Phountzi

Installer & Facilites Manager

Likes: Arsenal, Remote Control Cars, Joinery, Music and Film oh and Arsenal

Abilities: Negotiating, Installing Graphics, Watching Arsenal, Very Handy Man



  1. What’s your favourite colour? Red, white, yellow, redcurrant. Arsenal colours!
  2. Fun fact: IN Thailand, it is illegal to leave your house without underwear on.
  3. Fun fact about yourself not many people know… I once told na joke on Whackaday with Timmy Mallet. The joke was; Q. What did they write on Ironman's gravestone? A. Rust In Peace.
  4. Your claim to fame: I once had to film a live audition for Ewan McGregor over video conference. I also met Richard Attenborough at princess Di's funeral. I also served drinks to Daniel Craig (not at the funeral)
  5. Who was your famous childhood crush? Kelly LeBrock!
  6. What fictional family would you like to be a part of? The Skywalkers
  7. Pineapple on pizza: YES or NO? If I was really hungry and tehre was nothing else, then I might possible be pleasantly surprised.
  8. What’s your most used emoji? I don't really use them :)
  9. What’s your favourite font? Clearface Gothic